From the pages of: Human Knowledge 2000
Many humans believe in the existence of phenomena which lie outside the materialist reality of natural science. The phenomena alleged include:
Ra, Anu, Ashur, Ormazd, Baal, El, Yahweh, Jehovah, God, Zeus, Jupiter, Brahma, Amaterasu, Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, Great Spirit, Lugh, Pele, Allah, Odin,Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Loki, Osiris, Shiva,souls, spirits, demons, vampires, werewolves, hobgoblins, bogeymen,Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, angels, faeries, leprechauns, gnomes, elves
Places or States
Heaven, Elysium, Olympus, Asgard, K'un-lun, T'ienHades, Tartarus, Orcus, Acheron, Hell, Gehenna, Jahannam, bhumis, Jigoku Sheol, Styx, Purgatory, Valhalla, Limbo,nirvana, buddhata, satori
Forces or Substances
Good, Spirit, atman, ch'i, prana, karma, life force, Godhead, Nous
Evil, Thanatos,ether, humours, ectoplasm, elan vital, phlogiston, polywater
antigravity, cold fusion, perpetual motion, free energy, orgone
auras, bio-energy, chakras, Kirlian photography,ghosts, reincarnation, samsara
miracles, stigmata, speaking in tongues, possession, spontaneous human combustion UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles, Bermuda Triangle
voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery, magick, shamanism, wicca,telekinesis, astral projection,crystals, pyramids,faith healing, alchemy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, Knowledge,astrology, tarot, palmistry, numerology, phrenology, enneagrams, dowsing,I Ching, feng shui prophecy, foretunetelling, Nostradomus, Bible codes
clairvoyance, telepathy, channelling
Humans have no credible evidence for these phenomena. Over time these phenomena will recognized as delusions, hysterias, myths, nonsense, and hoaxes
இது ஒரு சுவாரஸ்யமான புத்தகம். படிக்க விரும்புவோர் எழுதுங்கள், அனுப்புகிறேன்.